I am proud to offer this program as an adjunct to the HTML Tutorials to assist webmasters
• Allows your visitors to bring their friends to your site - Help spread the word! •
• From a simple form, visitors send preformatted e-mail to friends • It counts usage too!
version 3.0b
Unix Perl 5 CGI 'Tell A Friend' script
Multi-Input Site Promotion Forms
home of the
unique VizBook and ennyForms, E-Lists / ListMerge mailing,
and LogCount, the versatile site counting / logging program.
Not have enough time to install Unix perl cgi programs?
No time to learn how to install Unix perl cgi scripts?
All Perl programs here are under review, and free cgi stuff may be left to the mostly school kids and wannabe programmers.
If you use a PC Firewall like pathetic Nortons and think it a good idea to switch off browser referrer info - which the server has already obtained anyway, or use a browser like NS which by default set-up stupidly uses cache totally as if off-line, then this and any server has the right to consider you a risk and you will experience problems because of lack of STANDARD HTTP conversation protocols. But of course as a webmaster on a network you should already know that!! ...and appreciate CGI software which reacts that way to your visitors.
May 2013:
While here, looking for a truly versatile multi purpose Guest Book type program? Have a look at the newVizBookPhoenixmajor 2013 upgrade.
re-displays form for syntax errors - not just an error notice
override default friends email return URL - each form
avoid "success" page ie display any page - each form
supports use in pop-up windows
all dtp-aus.com programs now support newer six char dom codes.
a free-to-use Perl CGI script For intermediate-level installation experience
From dtp-aus.com you can obtain the popular but very versatile simple "LnkinLite" program which can be used for BOTH site/external hyperlink click counting PLUS imbedded counted promo links in ANY Web or PC e-mail texts - ideal for adding to CopThis letters too as well as the referred page.
Try CopThis now.
To receive both responses
enter your address and name twice!
details NOT saved!
Use up to 15 "friends" input boxes, PLUS add a sender extra message box.
EACH form on your site can be different, AND you design the form!
"Copthis [Australian. Colloq.] look at this." CopThis Unix Perl 5+ CGI is a versatile free-to-use UNIX promo e-mail
generator created to help increase awareness of your site using Sendmail. These forms are used
extensively on the Internet because they allow visitors to send an e-mail message about
your site to friends, right there while their enthusiasm is fresh. Via feedback, it has surprised us just how many site's visitors are using this simple promo method.
James Thomson
Hey, I just want to let you know that CopThis has sent almost
10,000 extra visitors to my site in less than 3 months! I've tried a
similar free service (recommend***.***) but had not as pleasing results. I
think part of the success of CopThis is that users really feel like their
email address is safe and sound, and they won't receive spam...etc.
Anyway, keep up the great work!
**CopThis still uses efficient server resource friendly flat file data files, so it
will avoid any licensing problems which may arise from the mySQL sellout (2010).
**CopThis DOES NOT use MySQL!
We DO NOT support Spam scum-bags
...nor can one trust anyone who offers programs written to "harvest" emails not properly subscribed!!
If one harvests and uses "friends" e-mail addresses sent by visitors via a tell-a-friend type form for ANY reason, one is guilty of SPAMMING or contributing to it (the user supplies the addresses NOT the receiver!). Unethical e-mail address harvesting scum-bags will need another program! CopThis does not support such practises.
Go figure?
Several more recent similar programs do offer just that... one site then even hypocritically talks about the wrongs of trash spam mail and "protecting users address information" regarding another of their programs!!
Perhaps instead use a versatile Subscribing program like E-Lists, and place a URL linked comment in the CopThis "friend's" text to join whatever via a subscriber form... written wisely genuine responses can be achieved (subscribers generally trust someone ASKING them to subscribe).
Sounds good, looks interesting.... but:
The "gimmick"
of sending only HTML formatted e-mails to unsuspecting recipients is one of the best things you can do to destroy any chance of a successful promotional mailing!
The major CopThis options....
1 to 15 Multiple Recipients in each form! - form independent
Now CopThis will handle forms containing up to 15 "friends" address and name input box pairs (each form can have a different number - 1 to 15)
First to do so... still retains the "auto" regeneration of a form - with ALL input - when errors are detected (including the "users message" option - next)
Although an invitation for senseless low-IQ spamming of disgusting messages as experienced by some sites, CopThis now includes the gimmick of allowing the visitor to enter their own additional message - as a form design option; form independent
If the above "additional user message" option is used, the message is "bad word" checked, 'idiots' long-words checked, and lines shortened for the e-mail paragraphs (wrap option)
Repeat addresses are time blocked.
unique since '98: Avoid repeat-address blocking / counting when testing forms/e-mails.
User and "Friends" IP# / Address rejection list (admin edit).
Each form can specify a different "visit" URL in the friends e-mail (or still use the sites config default).
Option to specify return page link on success page; (different link in each form) OR just specify "Close Window" if using JS pop-up windows.
Option to completely override the "success" page, reloading ANY page after submission of addresses. ( including the same form-page! )
Log submission and address counts - AllANDby page name.
You design your own forms, on your pages! ( samples supplied )
Edit default colour choices for the error pages ( config variables )
Put a form on as many pages as you like - the more the better! Each submission sends a pre-set message to the visitors friend(s),
confirmation message to the visitor, and if desired, notification to you. Customise the message from your browser. Multiple submissions
to the same address are blocked for 48 hours ( 48 by default, but the time lapse is variable ). You can also include a return Link on the success page or override the success page.
If input syntax errors are detected ...
in the input fields, CopThis regenerates a form with users input data for correction; ie does not just generate an error message - CopThis was first to intoduce this feature late '98.
professional installations for those willing to support my free-to-use programs.
LnkinLite for e-mail
link Promo Tracking
Don't just add links to your mail-outs! - by also creating named
links via the LnkinLite program
link code is generated suitable for easy copy / paste to the e- mail texts. You can then have a "response
check" by counting the response success rate for any number
of return or promo links included in mail-outs.
In fact LnkinLite is so simple yet so popular for hidden link counting within and into a site, file downloads, and promo tracking direct from ANY e-mailed texts sent automatically or even via a PC based mail out.
What can I say - what an excellent script. It worked first time after I
installed it without any problems; the accompanying documentation was
excellent and the commenting in the config was clear and concise.... Kerith Norman - UK
Admin also allows you to add or delete in a rejection list of nuisance IP#s and domains of
recipients that you want ( or are requested to be ) excluded. Admin is password protected naturally and accessed via your
browser; no FTP necessary.
submission is counted and the current count is readily viewed via
the simple generated admin page, including as an option, counts by individual form page-name. admin
pageSample - (opens new window).
UPGRADES NOTE MAJOR changes have occurred since v2.... described in the readme.htm page.
NOTE: These scripts are created as working programs for webmasters, and not the common "play with and learn" free scripts found on some sites. If you are affronted by this, then please use someone else's programs.
Dave Brookshire
I would like to thank you for your script CopThis, It was a
breeze to install even with my very limited knowledge of cgi scripts, I
must say it has been one of the easiest scripts I have installed due to
the excellent documentation, I would gladly recommend your scripts to
anyone. Thank you again, Dave - www
A UNIX program, there are two configuration and one code 'require' files, sample forms, detailed readme.htm page, and several auxiliary files attached. CopThis perl cgi generates a fully formatted administration page,
accessed directly via the form OR a webmasters links page (also included).
All programs include utilities to check Unix perl version, plus create and chmod directories and files - works on most sites - and a detailed HTML help page.
Copyright Australia & 130+ countries per Berne Convention; including USA!
To obtain this program you must have an "attachment" enabled
e-mail POP account and a Javascript enabled browser.
Poorly set up PC Firewalls and hidden ISPs may block your request
...and do not complain if using NS default caching!
Extract the selected compressed file
a local-computer directory before proper FTP up loading and it will place all files into
the suggested directories. You must read 'readme.htm' and alter the configuration
variables in the config files before FTP posting to your site.