ListMerge **[ Ol' faithful ] |
Create headers, message and signature texts Multiple Lists - One Script Mail Out to your e-mail lists - from standard or E-Lists cgi format Create list-specific mail texts, then merge addresses |
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much and expect the same retrictions of other subscribing programs!
ennyForms can also Subscribe/Un-Subscribe to.. Combined these programs offer unique options and versatility other free-to-use and purchased programs do not... ennyForms, VizBook, plus E-Lists with their unique multiple format list saving for personalised merged mail-outs via PC or Browser, and ListMerge with the rare ability to merge and send large mail-outs in batches to appease host services or avoid crashes on slow mail servers. Each program is described on its own page.
ListMerge v2.3+ can work with NT ONLY IF the server has access to NT 'Sendmail' or a true NT/Win 2000 Sendmail clone - file locking alternative for Win 2000 inbuilt! Bulk Mailing:
How many subscribers can ListMerge mail out to?
Having said that, ListMerge is also a stand-alone program for web based mail merging - no subscribing functions. *When mailing from restrictive shared hosting servers (most web sites) ListMerge has always allowed you to send each newsletter in "batches", AND keeps track of who did and who is yet to receive a newsletter between "batches"; even after a CGI or browser crash..... *Two mailing modes, one standard generally for dedicated servers without CGI run time limits, another slightly slower for most hosted web sites ensuring safe recording of addresses SENT/WAITING in batch mode even after almost any server restriction crashes. *A 'mailing in progress' notice is flagged to in-progress mailouts blocking accidental reactivation of batch mailing until prior is completed - or "killed" by the server after a run time violation. Therefore you can even close the program and return later to check on progress - or perhaps even activate another lists 'batch' mailing while the other is in progress - if you dare!!. *20 page installation and mailing advice off-line readme, plus pop-up help pages in program. *Installation assisted for the diverse server requirements out there in the real world, but NO unreliable auto install system. *Recognised by ListMerge, E-Lists and enneyForms subscribing saves submissions in one of FIVE mail list formats (types), applicable to each list individually: *ListMerge can handle the above mail list versatility offered by E-Lists / ennyForms. Therefore you can use one or the other program or both on your web site depending on your needs/preferences. But because ListMerge is an independant program it can be installed by itself just mailing from plain text vertical mail lists. *ListMerge configuration allows you to define file extensions, and field separators if applicable, of mail lists created by resources other than the default for E-Lists/ennyForms/ListMerge. *ListMerge uses safe COPIES of your mail lists. In fact savvy webmasters were always aware that if a mail list was destroyed, ListMerge had a reasonable copy available - albeit a little out of date most of the time if not regularly refreshed. *ListMerge keeps track of which list members have been processed and which have not - during a mailout session. So if a mailout has to be performed in "batches" because of shared server problems (most hosted web sites) each mailing session cannot be interfered with by subscriptions/un-subscriptions during that session... which can take minutes, hours or for some webmasters, days! New list members arriving during a batch mailout session can be updated to ListMerge IF you want to bother, although un-subscribers cannot. *ListMerge always allowed you to build a newsletter from header, body, and signature texts plus if required a newsletter of one complete HTML page, so you can create top/bottom commonality perhaps just changing the body text each week/month. *A popular request, v2.3 allows you to save each newsletter for particular mail lists ALSO as a recoverable named "templates" if preferred. *ALSO because E-Lists and ennyForms subscribing allows EACH subscribing list member to nominate either TEXT or HTML received newsletters, ListMerge can mail each member a newsletter version OF THEIR CHOICE! *A unique option via E-Lists since early 2000, ListMerge v2.3 now allows you to include in every newsletter the option for each list member to CHANGE their newsletter FORMAT at any time direct from their newsletter - something which will impress members as thoughtful as HTML emails remain somewhat hated by many, or perhaps their choice just turns out to be a bummer when loaded by their email client program. *ListMerge 2.3+ applies a time block on repeat submissions from the same source through newsletter un-sub and format-change remote links. This should help reduce mouse "button bounce" double clicking and other? problems. *If you prefer, ListMerge 2.3 with MIME "attachment" capabilities will allow you to send both a Text (personalised) newsletter with an HTML version (not personalised) 'attached' - and not using/offering the E-Lists/ListMerge "change format" options. *ListMerge has always allowed you to send test newsletters to yourself as many times as needed while refining the content - both Text and HTML versions together if applicable; and now with MIME attachments too if specified. *ListMerge newsletters look professional when viewed with list specific mail headers displaying 'From' address, name / alias, subject, organisation, your locality date stamping... easily quickly identified amongst all the trash mail one receives these days. *Honest program: No programming gimmicks are used appearing to be fast when indeed server cgi retriction crashes result in many addresses not being submitted; and that you don't know about!! - even if crashed ListMerge has always maintained track of where it's at; who else to send to once the program is restarted - written for the common "hosted" shared web servers... but still works well on expensive dedicated site/mail servers. *ListMerge also allows ethical UN-Subscribing directly from your newsletter (also handy for removing 'bounced' letter addresses from lists IF your POP account returns mail copies with bounce notices!). NOTE too often inexperienced webmasters expect a way to auto delete bounced mail via standard cgi programs. 'Bounces are a product of the mail server system transacting (or not) with other mail servers - and has nothing directly to do with your web site. *Now each address UN-Subscribed via the imbedded newsletter links are kept in a log with several options... from simply deleting the log occasionally to creating separate lists of UN-subscribers or even remove again from original if a damaged list is rebuilt from the back-ups. Whatever, the options are there if needed. *v2.3 introduces a MIME "attachment" feature. You can easily add an attachment to each newsletter; perhaps a small graphic image business card, paid featured advert image or html page, a free special/bonus edition newsletter, html or .doc form to fill out/print and Fax back, etc.... whatever. note: while NOT generally recommended, ennyForms v2.1+ will allow specific forms to be processed remotely too! ...hmmm. *ListMerge / E-Lists v2.3+ / ennyForms v2.1+ record Format Change request trends, plus a permanent record of total un-subscribers - both simple running totals for each list displayed by ListMerge... program and site bloating useless gimmick detailed logs are NOT supported - serious webmasters make better use of broad general trends! *ListMerge 2.3+ / E-Lists 2.3+ can be used to occasionally back-up each original mail list (NOTE: auto "cron job" backup is NOT supported as same simply backs-up corrupt mail lists too, destroying any chance of major recovery... better to lose a few new subscribers than all permanently!!). *E-Lists v2.3 (early 2002) can generate and keep running logs of random "winners" addresses saved as special temporary mail lists. This exclusive simple new option can be recognised easily by ListMerge as special mailing lists. NOTE: "winners" is just a program reference and how you define/use such lists may depend on local state or national legislation governing "lotteries".
Mail Processing
Using LnkinLite for mail
list mail-out Promo Tracking
A Unix script, there are two configuration files supplied (one common to all the authors programs) and although the 'works' are fairly simple, ListMerge generates fully formatted administration pages accessed via an 'access' password. Editing of the newsletter texts and program options setup is protected by a second encrypted password, and both passwords can be changed via the admin pages. NOTE: These scripts are created as working programs for webmasters, and not the common "play with and learn" free scripts found on some sites. If you are affronted by this, then please use someone else's programs. Supplied program includes utilities to check Unix perl version, plus create and chmod directories and files - works on most sites - and a detailed README HTML 'frames' set.
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